I have decided to jump around a little bit with the paintings I show here instead of plodding through my various phases in groups.
This one was very much influenced by and similar in style to artist Red Grooms. It depicts my working class neighborhood in Upper Darby, Pa where my husband and I bought our first house. It was painted around 1992-93.On the porch at the right were our neighbors, an elderly Italian couple who spoke very little English. He was about 70+ and used to crack me up with his big pompadour of white hair and missing tooth. She was a very sweet lady who was always knitting which is how I portrayed her with her head bent down and knitting in her hand. To the left on their porch were our other neighbors, Tom and Helen, a toll taker and teacher, respectively.
In later years my family bought a Christmas tree angel who reminded us of Helen and has always been referred to as such as she emerges from her box every year. In the center is my husband looking at me. You will notice I painted myself pregnant which I was not at the time but hoped to be soon. That wish came true in the form of my beautiful daughter who was born two years later.